Check out these sites for access to my online music lessons:
The Mike Op Music Instructional Series Samples page is a site dedicated to providing free samples of all of my educational series, along with access to articles and lessons I’ve contributed to other sites. This will be constantly growing, so check back often!
The Wholenote guitar community is a resource that I relied upon heavily as a young musician. There is an extensive library of free guitar lessons, gear reviews, and advice for musicians: and free guitar lessons that I’ve posted on Wholenote!
My Youtube channel also offers free video lessons:
Some friends of mine:
Chuck Anderson is an internationally acclaimed jazz guitarist, composer, and instructor. I encourage everyone to check out his sites: and, the home of the online Jazz Guitar Studies program.
Guitar International Magazine is an online resource for guitarists. It features interviews with notable guitarists, free guitar lessons, guitar news, and reviews of albums, books, and gear. I also make regular contributions.
All About Jazz is one of the premier jazz resources online, containing articles on jazz history, performer bios, book, album, and concert reviews, free mp3 downloads, and pretty much anything relating to jazz. I contribute articles and reviews regularly.
Jazz Books Reviews is an ambitious new website aiming to review the literature on jazz as comprehensively as possible. The site features reviews of books about jazz history, pedagogy, theory, performer biographies, and more. I am one of the featured reviewers for Jazz Books Reviews.
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